Photo by Chloe Isherwood
Cédric Hauteville is a freelance portrait photographer and filmmaker based in Surrey, England. Thanks to 10+ years of creative industry experience and over five years behind a camera, he is very effective at taking a client brief and producing high quality work within budget and time constraints.
He never stops learning and keeps up to date with the latest techniques and technology. He also shares his knowledge via private tuition and through his YouTube channel.
As a photographer, he specialises in portraiture and conceptual photography.
Shooting on location is where Cédric excels, but he also enjoys the creative options offered by a studio setup.
His style of portraiture tends to be faithful, with little to no retouching.
As a filmmaker, Cédric’s approach depends on the project:
For documentary-style productions and low-budget projects requiring small crews, he has experience working as a self-shooting producer/director and can see a project through post-production.
His biggest achievement in this domain is Back to the Source, an entirely self-shot feature documentary, for which he interviewed over 20 people in 6 countries.
The documentary was funded by a successful Kickstarter campaign and was very well received by the community it portrayed, with just under 1 million views across all platforms.
For more narrative work, such as short films and music videos, he produces the best output by focusing on cinematography as a Director of Photography.
He owns all the appropriate camera, lighting and audio equipment to shoot a small production to high quality standards, including 4K capable cameras.